Postgraduate Courses Rheumatology Clinic 2025
Every Tuesday,, time 8.00’-9.00’ a.m.,Lecture Class, A’ building, 4 th floor, University Hospital of Ioannina
14-1-2025 Interesting cases[P.V. Voulgari]]
21-1-2025 Interesting cases[A.A. Drosos]]
28-1-2025 What rheumatologists need to know about mRNA vaccines: rheumatic diseases[N. Gerolymatou]]
4-2-2025 Cryoglobulinemia[T-E. Memi]]
11-2-2025 EULAR recommendations for the treatment of systemic sclerosis: 2023 update[M. karakosta]]
18-2-2025 Pathological autoantibody internalisation in myositis[N. Koletsos-Soultis]]
25-2-2025 Management of systemic lupus erythematosus: a systematic literature review informing the 2023 update of the EULAR recommendations[T.E. Markatseli]]
4-3-2025 Efficacy and safety of first-line biological DMARDs in rheumatoid arthritis patients with chronic kidney disease Olokizumab plus methotrexate: safety and efficacy over 106
weeks of treatment[L. Magkou]]
11-3-2025 Where are we now in biologic drugs for myositis?[M. Koletsi]]
18-3-2025 Inclusion body myositis and immunosenescence: current evidence and future perspectives[K. Pelekoudas]]
1-4-2025 Recent advances in the diagnosis and management of neuropsychiatric lupus[M. karakosta]]
8-4-2025 Rheumatoid arthritis and the intestinal microbiome: probiotics as a potential therapy[N. Koletsos-Soultis]]
15-4-2024 Holiday Easter
22-4-2024 Holiday Easter
29-4-2025 Extraarticular manifestations of sarcoidosis[E. Kaltsonoudis]]
6-5-2025 Pulmonary artery involvement due to Behçet's syndrome and Hughes Stovin syndrome: a comparative study[A. N. Georgiadis]]
13-5-2025 Infliximab versus Cyclophosphamide for Severe Behçet's Syndrome[L. Magkou]]
20-5-2025 IgA vasculitis with nephritis: an overview of the pathogenesis and clinical characteristic[K. Pelekoudas]]
27-5-2025 The association between rheumatoid arthritis and left ventricular diastolic dysfunction: pathogenesis, predictors and managements[M. Koletsi]]
3-6-2025 Test
- Voulgari PV, Professor of Rheumatology
- Gerolymatou N, Rheumatologist
- Georgiadis A.N., Rheumatologist
- Drosos A. A., Professor of Rheumatology
- Kaltsonoudis E, Rheumatologist
- Karakosta M., Fellow in Rheumatology
- Koletsos N., Fellow in Rheumatology
- Koletsi Μ., Fellow in Rheumatology
- Magkou L., Fellow in Rheumatology
- Markatseli Th.E., Rheumatologist
- Memi T, Rheumatologist
- Pelekoudas K., Fellow in Rheumatology